Silver Birches residents get a new home and a new community - FitzRoy

Silver Birches residents get a new home and a new community

Published: August 9, 2019

We strive to ensure that the people we support are a part of their community. Now, with a newly built state-of-the-art care home opening in Teddington next month, that’s exactly what our residents at Silver Birches will be.

Around ten years ago, we recognised that our facilities at Silver Birches in Richmond needed an overhaul. After a long process negotiating with Richmond Borough Council, we can now offer the people we support a brand-new place to live within the heart of their community.

Chief Executive of FitzRoy, Anna Galliford, said: “Princess Alexandra opened the original Silver Birches 34 years ago and some of the people who moved in there still live there today. We currently have 11 residents there.

“It is very much a 1960s building and it is a bit institutional in its style. Over the years we recognised that the property was beginning to get a bit tired and we needed to move on. We had the option of building more in the garden, but the disruption would have been enormous.

“What we recognised was that the building wasn’t fit for purpose longer term. It doesn’t have a lift, there are big stairs, and as people are getting older it’s becoming harder to meet their needs.

We wanted to move people to somewhere more sustainable long term and more in the community. The current Silver Birches sits on top of a hill, so residents found going to the shops difficult. We wanted their new home to have more of a community feel and better accessibility.

The brand-new Silver Birches will offer two five-bedded flats and a supported living house for five people. The current residents are looking forward to moving in towards the end of September.

Anna added: “We currently support 11 people at Silver Birches, with the option to support up to 15 in the future which is wonderful. It has fantastic access, it’s flat, it sits in a beautiful cul-de-sac, and the River Thames runs about 300 yards away.

“With ‘big and airy’ walkways, en-suite bathrooms and far more improved technology, the building is far more sustainable and future-proof now.”

Service Manager of Silver Birches, Kim, said: “All the staff are really keen and positive about the move. All the people we support have chosen their bedrooms and picked the colour they want their room to be painted.

They’re out at the moment choosing curtains and bits for their room, they’re very much involved in the big move too!”